Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala H.E. MR. E. SR. Carlos Raúl Morales Moscoso in the Ministerial Meeting on the Reform of the Security Council: Restriction of the Use of the Veto by Permanent Members of the Security Council in Situations of Mass Atrocities

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala H.E. MR. E. SR. Carlos Raúl Morales Moscoso in the Ministerial Meeting on the Reform of the Security Council: Restriction of the Use of the Veto by Permanent Members of the Security Council in Situations of Mass Atrocities

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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala H.E. MR. E. SR. Carlos Raúl Morales Moscoso
25 septiembre, 2014 General Assembly | 2014
By |2017-02-10T04:23:31-05:00septiembre 25th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala H.E. MR. E. SR. Carlos Raúl Morales Moscoso in the Ministerial Meeting on the Reform of the Security Council: Restriction of the Use of the Veto by Permanent Members of the Security Council in Situations of Mass Atrocities

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