By manuel|2017-02-10T04:16:02-05:00septiembre 26th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement of H.E. Carlos Raul Morales, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guatemala at the 69th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
By manuel|2017-02-10T04:23:31-05:00septiembre 25th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala H.E. MR. E. SR. Carlos Raúl Morales Moscoso in the Ministerial Meeting on the Reform of the Security Council: Restriction of the Use of the Veto by Permanent Members of the Security Council in Situations of Mass Atrocities
By manuel|2017-02-10T04:35:01-05:00septiembre 24th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guatemala, H.E. Mr. Carlos Raúl Morales in the Climate Change Summit
By manuel|2017-02-10T14:01:25-05:00septiembre 8th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by Ms. Mónica Bolaños, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Mission of Guatemala to the United Nations at the Security Council Open Debate on Children and Armed Conflict
By manuel|2017-02-10T13:54:24-05:00septiembre 8th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Remarks by the Delegation of Guatemala at the Informal Interactive Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect
By manuel|2017-02-10T14:08:54-05:00agosto 21st, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by Gert Rosenthal, Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the United Nations at the Thematic Debate of the Security Council on Conflict Prevention
By manuel|2017-02-10T14:21:13-05:00julio 28th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement in the Open Debate of The Security Council on peacekeeping operations: United Nations and regional partnerships in peacekeeping and its evolution
By manuel|2017-02-10T14:27:42-05:00julio 22nd, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement at the Open Debate of the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question
By manuel|2017-02-10T14:34:28-05:00junio 11th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by Ambassador Gert Rosenthal, Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the UN Open Debate of the Security Council on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: New Trends
By manuel|2017-02-10T14:42:44-05:00junio 6th, 2014|Comentarios desactivados en Statement by Edwin Rodas, Deputy Minister for Energy and Mines of Guatemala – Ministerial Dialogue on Energy and Post 2015